Let's be real…….there are so many struggles that those with lupus struggle with that it would take hours to write about them all. There are some days that I can handle the pain, sometimes it is too much. Most days I can handle the psychological struggle that comes with having lupus, but there are some days that I struggle. Here lately, the thing that I have struggled with the most is my weight gain.
Since beginning a new medication last spring, I have gained 35-40 lbs. When I first began the medication, I noticed a small change in my weight and I asked my doctor about it. She said that it was not a side effect (it is a fairy new med). Now, 8 months later and 38 lbs later there are articles popping up everywhere that it is a major side effect of the medication. What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I am the type of person who is very weight conscious. I have tried for about a year and a half now to get my body in the shape that it needs to be in for a person of my height. I was there for about 6 months and then I began taking this new medication. I go to the doctor Friday, and I am hoping to discuss options with her on what my next step needs to be concerning this side effect.
With everything set aside, the medicine is working. So, do I deal with the weight gain, or do I try something different that doesn't have weight gain as a side effect? I don't feel good about myself with the weight gain, but I don't feel good without the medication. It is a catch 22. I would love to hear what you would do!!!!
Hi! ive been readin few of ur posts. I've been a lupie for almost 4 years. Im turning 23 next week. Its been very difficult for me sometimes. I have been very blessed ans lucky cuz i have been "off" this whole time. My Docs first told me dont google anything cuz i might freak out. N i didnt, cuz actually i was still on deny, after 4 years i decided to go on the web. im very glad to found out that im not the only one, im not the only who feels this way nor has all this fears. I have gain weight also. But just be paitance, but if u know of someway faster ill be glad to know, lol. Hope you keep good