Thursday, January 24, 2013

3, 223

3, 223...........That is how may days I have officially been a "lupie."

I have been approached by many people asking me, "How do you do it?" "How do you manage it all with stage 4 lupus?" Well, folks I am here to tell you that there is not one answer, there is not one secret, and there is for sure not enough room in one post to talk about it all. That is why I am starting this blog. I hope to answer your questions, help you through the tough times, and hopefully have some fun along the way. This has been and will continue to be a lifelong journey. I am thrilled at how far I have come and look forward to making even more progress in the future. There will be bad days, there will be TERRIBLE days, I know..I have been there and will unfortunately continue to visit there, but I hope we can share as may good days as we do bad.

We have been brought together as a family by a terrible, invisible, incurable disease that we cannot possibly fight alone. It takes a tribe to keep us healthy and I say the more the merrier. This blog will not always be positive and upbeat as I will have bad days that I will have to talk about. I struggle just like you do, and I will need to picked up off my face and be told to get out of bed many times. I hope this is place to share things that work for you and things that don't. I don't claim to know everything, but I do like to pass on information and things that work for me. This can be anything from the best concealer to cover that butterfly rash to how to fix your hair so that people cannot tell it is thinning. I have a very good friend, we will call her Em J, that can whip Paula Dean around a kitchen with her pinky finger that is a master mind when it comes to cooking and nutrition, that will be posting on here as well.

You can follow me on twitter @tiffanyfaith, instagram @tiffanyadonnan, or you can follow me on keek @tiffanyadonnan. Don't do social media?? That's OK....shoot me an email:

Have a great night!!! Tomorrow is Friday.......woop woop :) :) :) :)

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