Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So What Wednesday's Are Back!!!!!

And We're Back!!!!!! I am actually early enough this morning to do a so what post!! HALLELUJAH!!!! I miss so what' here is goes!!!!!

SO WHAT IF..............

I time myself getting dressed in the mornings and I try to beat the time before. Yeah, I'm competitive like that.

My coffee has been waiting on me for the last 5 minutes and I have no intentions on getting up to get it anytime soon.

5:00-6:30 a.m. is my favorite time of the day. It is the only time of the day I have to myself. Since the hubs has been at school, the princess even showers with me.

I sent my child to bed with her iPod and told her to play it until she went to sleep because I was so exhausted. Yeah, that lasted for about 20 minutes.

I listen to Dave Ramsey everyday!! He keeps me sain.

Have a great worst day of the week!!!


Monday, August 26, 2013

30 lbs and mortified

Well, the school year is in full swing and other than the sensitivity to the lights, I am doing great!!! Pray that this continues. My classes are large and I did have to send three to ISS for huffing Germ-X in my classroom, but other than that the kids are really good. (Yes, I teach 6th grade and yes, you can get high off of Germ-X. I googled it.) I am looking forward to a great school year.

The hubs is engrossed with his school work as well. He made an A on his first paper!! I am one proud wifey. He studies about 12 hours a day, but I wouldn't want anybody putting me to sleep who didn't :)

Now, the point of this post. I am just going to throw this out there. I have always been up front and honest, and that is not going to change now. When school let out in May, I weighed 115-120 lbs. which is in the healthy range for my height. Today, I weight 141. I have gained 30 lbs in 3 months!!! What the heck happened? I look back at the summer and all I did was eat giant Fudge Rounds, the hubs cooked French Toast all the time and I covered mine with syrup. The bottom line is, I totally did not take care of myself this summer. I let myself go, and for the majority of the summer I did not feel well. I have been researching different auto-immune diets and the hubs has been helping me. We have decided that the gluten free diet would be the best for me. You can still have foods that you would normally eat, but it doesn't have the gluten in it. He has a friend that is a gluten free eater because his wife cannot have gluten, so he is a great resource. Also, I have done research on foods that I enjoy that could possibly have a gluten free brand. So, with that being said, here are some items from my grocery list this week:

gluten free bagels
Philly cream cheese
Gluten free bread
Hellmans mayo
Orgainc or 100% natural turkey
Purple Onion
Spinach pizza on rice crust
Gluten Free Frozen meals
Baked Dortios
Ruffles original potato chips
Yoplait yogurt
Sargento light string cheese
Cane sugar

I will have the yogurt and bagels for breakfast, the sandwiches, string cheese, and chips for lunch, and the pizza and frozen meals for supper. The only problem is snacks. I can't seem to find any gluten free snacks that I would enjoy. It makes it really hard because I am allergic to nuts. If any of you have any suggestions, I am all ears.

Have a great Monday lupies!!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to Work...and florescent lights

Well, lupies......... I am back at work and in the swing of things!! It is Wednesday, the worst day of the week,  and I am exhausted!!! That is to be expected. I always have a hard time getting back into the swing of things and getting my body accustomed to a new schedule.

I have been diagnosed with lupus for 11 years, and not once have I had any abnormal skin irritations due to sun exposure. This summer, however, was different. I had terrible reactions to the sun!! I was able to be outside very little and this crushed me!! I had very little time to take the princess swimming and when we went to the beach, I was miserable. Well, another symptom strikes again. I have come back to work and the florescent lights are causing me misery!!! I break out in hives all over my body and I feel like there are 1,000,000 needles being poked into my body all day long. I am miserable!!

So, what do I do? I called the doctor. Do you really want to know what the doctor said?? She said to wear sunscreen and Cortizone cream for the rash. Seriously?!?!?!?!? I could have told you that!! My make up has SPF 35 in it, and I am in long sleeve shirts and pants. Is this all I can do?? My job is on the line here and that is all the advice they can give me?? I am beyond frustrated!!!!!

Disability is the last thing I want, but the pain is so bad, it has crossed my mind. Do any of you have this problem with the lights and what did/are you doing about it??

Have a happy worst day of the week!!!


This is the princess and I before her first ballet class last night!! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

That Contributing Feeling

In my last post, I talked about our move to Tennessee to get the Hubs all settled and ready for school. It has been an absolutely wonderful two weeks. I have felt good and things have been going great. My lupus has never been better and I am able to do things and run errands like never before. I look back and ask myself, why? Why do I feel so well, and able to do things that I usually struggle with at home? I don't have an answer. The only answer I can come up with is I have gone from taking care of a 3,000 square foot house to a two bedroom apartment. At home, there are dust bunnies and dirty dishes because I don't feel like walking all the way to the kitchen to put them in the dishwasher and it is too hard to walk up the stairs to clean my daughters room. Here, it is spotless. The beds are made everyday and the laundry is caught up. What is up with that? The honest truth is, that I like the smaller space to take care of. I don't mind doing these things because I can do everything in less than 30 minutes and have this place so clean that you can eat off the floor, and that makes me feel good!!!! I am actually doing something!!!! I am contributing to the well being of my family!!!! It has been so long since I have been able to do this, I forgot how good it feels!!!

I don't know where the road will go from here. I don't know what the next three years will hold for my family and myself. I will be going back to Alabama this weekend and starting back to work on Monday. I will still be in my 3,000 square foot house minus my helping hands. Am I scared?? Absolutely to death!!!!! Will I get it done?? Maybe, maybe not. I just never knew how much I missed this feeling of contributing to my family.

If you are able to contribute, I know you may wish you had help. In the long run, I may have to finagle my budget and hire help once a week. I don't know, but don't take your ability to be able to do things for granted. Be thankful you are able to contribute.

Wish me luck as I begin my new life as I leave Tennessee and make my way back to my new life with a husband in college and having to be the head of the household. Pray that I stay healthy and I am able to make the best decisions for my family.

Have a happy Thursday!!
