Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy, Happy, Summer

Happy, happy summer!!!!!!! School is out and I am ready to rock and roll!!!!! I thought I would start out today's post with the most bittersweet picture I could. This is a picture of the last day of school. I am thrilled to be out for summer, but I worry about my students. I worry will they have enough to eat, what if their parents abuse them and they have no one to tell? I just pray everyday that my students are safe and happy :)

This is just a happy one of my teacher friends sent me on the last day of school!!! Enjoy!!

Then comes Saturday. The day Twinkle Toes graduated from pre-school. I love this little girl more than words can say. Her teacher told me that she is an absolute ray of sunshine everyday!!! I love that her teacher saw what I get to see everyday!!! My ray of sunshine.

And here is the graduate :) She couldn't be more excited. Oh, and BTW she wants to be a cheerleader when she grows up. She is her Mother's child :)

After graduation we headed north the the Tennessee River to the lake house where we met up with great family friends, my sister's family, and my parents. These are my girls!! Twinkle Toes and my sister's oldest daughter, LK.

All suited and buckled up and ready to go on a boat ride.

She couldn't be happier!!!!

Nothing says summer at the lake like a warm day and cold popsicle.

Because of the weekend before and our little visit to the hospital, Twinkle Toes couldn't get in the water. So, what's the next best thing at the lake, the water hose!!!!!

And this, my friends, was my view the entire weekend. Pure and absolute relaxation!!!

This is the best "Puh" there is. My Daddy with LK on the boat.

Could there be anything more sweeter. This is ME, my sister's baby girl #2. She is less than 6 weeks old and has already had her first outing at the lake. I can't wait until she is big enough to join my other girls.

My Daddy in his happy place!! A fishing boat with clear skies and beautiful water. He is such a hard worker, I wish he could spend more time here.

And this gal is Darla. I love this dog more than I knew...Darla is my sister and her husband's dog that is the dumbest, smart dog I know. We were down at the dock helping my Daddy get the boat on the lift and this angel face decided she was going to step on the running boards of the life and get her a drink. Well, naturally, the running boards were slippery. Dumb Darla took one step and fell in. I just got finished asking Michael, my sister's husband, if she could swim. He was very hesitant, and said she can, but tends to sink. Not knowing that she was going to fall in when I asked, I went in after the doll face. She kept bobbing up and down like a bobber, got under the dock where I couldn't reach her. I kept grabbing for her collar, but it kept slipping out of my hand. I finally got her, and started puling her out. By this time, Michael had handed LK off to my mother and came to help. In the mix of saving Darla, I lost my engagement ring. I am sick, however, I still have the first diamond my husband ever gave me. Several years ago, he had it reset into a dinner ring setting and thank goodness I didn't have it on. I still have my wedding band. So, unless the hubs decides to surprise me, I will be diamond less for the next three years :( 

And that, my friends, was my weekend. I hope you all have a great afternoon. I will be back again soon.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Terrific Tuesday

OK.....so I know I have been MIA lately, but the last 2 weeks of school exhaust me. Last night, the hubs and I were in the bed before the sub went down. There is so much to do at the end of the year. There are exemptions, classroom inventories, exams and study guides to be made, and I can't forget awards night.

It may not sound like a lot, but it takes so long to do that for 150 students!!! The good news is, it is all finished with the exception of grading the exams and completing the end of the year packet (which I haven't even looked at because it is still in my box in the office).

It is a terrific Tuesday, because it is our last FULL day of school. Tomorrow and Wednesday the kids go until 12:00 and Friday is a work day for teachers. Then...............SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!! Woop Woop!!!!!!!!!

The hubs and I were looking forward to a relaxing Saturday last weekend, but Twinkle Toes had other plans. She fell about 9:00 Saturday morning while doing her "ballet" and busted her head open. The hubs thought it would be no big deal to stitch up, so we took her to our local community hospital. The doctor came in, took one look at it, and then sent us to a children's hospital. I had no idea it was that bad, but the doctor said that the hospital did not have the pediatric support to suture it, sedate her, or do the scans. I was glad that the doctor recognized this and sent us on instead of trying to make a doll hair and do it himself. After we got to children's everything was smooth sailing...until she had an anxiety attack and flopped all over the bed like a fish out of water. It took 4 people to hold her down. The good thing about the meds they gave her is that she remembers nothing!!!
Here is a pic of her head and she was all smiles at the children's hospital (this was the before shot). She was too pitiful to take an after shot. 

Well, that is about all that is going on here in this lupie's life. I will leave you with a picture of Twinkle Toes and myself that was taken on Mother's Day. Everybody have a fabulous Tuesday!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pits and Perks

The pits and perks of this week!!!!

Let's start off with the pits:

  • It is raining today, and we are driving an hour and a half to watch our girls softball team play in the regionals. I HATE rain.....just about as bad as I hate Wednesdays.
  • I ripped my favorite blue pants during the ARMT test this week. At least it was on the leg and not the butt. I just safety pinned them together. It was perty :)
  • The ARMT was this week!!! That means I had to sit there for 3 hours and do nothing for two days while the kids tested. I hate ARMT week!!!!
  • Did I mention it was raining today??

OK the perks:
  • I am only working until 11:30 today!!! Whoop whoop!!!!
  • I am going to do a little shopping today (hopefully)!!
  • I have felt great!!!
  • My Kiki La Rue order came
  • My Birchbox came (and it sucked-so I guess that would be a pit :))
  • I had a pretty big week on Poshmark for sales!!

Happy Friday!!!!


Yesterday OOTD
Top: Local Boutique
Pants: Target
Shoes: Zappos

This is what greeted me yesterday at 7:30 a.m.
Love my job!!!!!

Assisted Living

Good morning!!!! I am going to talk about a topic that the hubs and I have talked about a lot here lately.  I have fallen twice in the last couple of weeks from pain in my legs. We worry about what I am going to do when he goes to school and I at home by myself with just our daughter. I know you are probably thinking or wondering why don't I just go with him. Well, it's like this. I have worked 9 years in the state of Alabama public school systems. You have to work 10 to be vested and be able to draw your retirement. If I leave now, I will lose all my retirement that I have put in over the last 9 years and we would not have any health insurance. I do not know of an independent insurance company that would pick me up with my condition, nor we would not be able to afford it with him in school.

Lizzie knows Mommy is sick. She prays every night that Mommy will feel better. It breaks my heart that she knows that Mommy is sick and I don't want a 5 year old having to take care of her sick Mommy. What is a gal to do? My parents do live down the road from us, and they will be of great help, but for my sanity, moving in with them is not an option :)

I will have to suck it up and do the best I can do. If I fall, I will have to pick myself back up!!! If I am sick, I will have to call my parents to come and get Lizzie (she will love that). I have got to quit being super woman and take all these people up on their offers to help while Josh is gone. Wish me luck!!!!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So What Wednesday

So WHAT if.................

  • I am sitting in my classroom with the door locked so I can have a few minutes of sanity between my own child and the 150 that I teach everyday.
  • I can hear every word the kids are saying in the hallway and they have no idea I am in here. Every other words is a "sentence enhancer" and at this point, I don't even care. As long as they keep it out of my classroom, it's all good.
  • I ripped the leg of my pants during the Alabama Reading and Math Test (ARMT) yesterday and I safety pinned them together.
  • I wore red/white polka dot flip flops all day yesterday because my feet were hurting. I had on blue and mint...lol!!!!!
  • I am out for revenge on the student that posted crap on instagram about me right after he left my classroom yesterday. (Side note: I totes love this kid and his parents!!! I am just going to give him a friendly dose of his own medicine...lol) 
  • I am totes excited about our new Wal-Mart super center that is opening today!!! Hey! Like I have said before, I live in a small town and we have never had a super center!! That makes my least favorite day of the week a little better!!!

Have a great one!!

Dress: Belk
Shoes: Target
Necklace: Gift from the hubs

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Woes

Happy Monday Lupies!!! I know, I know.....I am late posting, but considering my weekend, I am doing well to be posting at all.

Let's begin with Friday!!! I came home from work and went straight to bed!! I mean like, in the bed at 5:00. Slept until around 7:30 or 8:00 p.m. During this time, the hubs took Lizzie to me parents house because we were getting up at 7:00 a.m. to go look at apartments for him for when he goes to school in August. After I got up, we watched a movie.  I don't remember the name of it, but it was GREAT!!! It was about this guy who got sent off to a mental hospital. Long story short, his mom got him out and he went searching after his wife, only to find another love. Come on guys, help me out here....... We were in the bed by 9:30-10:00 and up at 6:00 a.m.

It takes 3 hours to get to where the hubs will be going to school. That ride I can do...not a problem. Here comes the tricky part. We did the 3 hour ride up there, 4 hours riding around and looking at apartments, and 3 hours home. For all you non-math folks out there, that is 10 hours in a car. That....I cannot do!!!! Good news, we found a great apartment for him, opening up mid July, and comes highly recommended. Winning!!!!!

Also, we got to eat at Jimmy John's!!! I was a virgin Jimmy John's customer, and I will for sure go back again!!! I mean, I live in a small town. We don't get to try the good places much!!! Don't judge me :)

We got back home around 6:30 and I was asleep by 7:00. I slept for 13 hours!!!! The hubs woke me up at 8:00 a.m. to get ready to go to church. I was still exhausted and had the worst leg pain!! I thought, well, I am going to take a few Aleve, take a hot shower, and all will be well!! Guess again!!! I got up to go to the bathroom, and I fell. It was like my legs would not work and they gave out on me. I was mortified that I had to ask the hubs for help. I felt so helpless, and I hate that feeling!!! I mean, I couldn't even go to the bathroom by myself. I HATE lupus flares!!!! Needless to say, I went back to bed and I slept on and off all day until about 6:00 p.m. I think this flare was due to being in the car for that long, and this crazy weather we have been having. It is 80 one day and then it is 40 and raining the next. Oh well, come what may!!!!!

Catch you all tomorrow!!!


PS..OOTD not picture worthy..lol!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

First sunburn

Well, it has happened!!! The first sunburn of the season!!! We went to a faculty vs. senior softball game on Tuesday. We stayed for maybe an hour and a half and my arms were fried!!! I even had on sunscreen!!!!

Then yesterday we went outside to eat watermelon and stayed for about 45 minutes. That turned my sunburn into sun poisoning!!!! So, Benadryl was my friend last night!!!

I guess I am going to be really sensitive to the sun this year!!! I just never know from year to year what to expect. Last year was a really great year concerning sun exposure. Maybe this is just a one time thing and the rest of the summer won't be so bad. Only time will tell!!!

Happy Thursday


Top: Gift from my sister
Purple pants: Target
Necklace: Ann Taylor Loft

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So What Wednesday

Here it is again......So What Wednesday!!!!

Let's begin, shall we??

SO WHAT IF..........

  • I am absolutely stoked that today is hat day for the mere fact I don't have to fix or even wash my hair for work :) I vote we should have this once a week!!
  • That laundry pile.......yeah, it is still there
  • Today is Wacky Watermelon Day at work and I HATE Wacky Day and I hate watermelon!!!
  • I am freaking out that I have gained 10 pounds!!! I lost 30 from last summer to December, but I have gained 10 of it back this spring....why did I do this to myself this close to swimsuit season?? The only answer I have is Fudge Rounds!!
  • There are occasions when I eat 3 giant size fudge rounds a day!!! They are my weakness!!! Forget the ice cream, forget the cake, give me a fudge round!!!!
  • If I wake up in the middle of the night and check my Poshmark closet. Yeah, it is my new obsession and I want to sell, sell, sell!!!


  • Today is May 1st, and it is the first day of Lupus Awareness Month!!! So, wear your purple and throw your "L's" up!!! That is What's Up!!!!!

Dress: Gap
Belt: Target
Shoes: Volatile
Hat: J Crew