Friday, May 10, 2013

Assisted Living

Good morning!!!! I am going to talk about a topic that the hubs and I have talked about a lot here lately.  I have fallen twice in the last couple of weeks from pain in my legs. We worry about what I am going to do when he goes to school and I at home by myself with just our daughter. I know you are probably thinking or wondering why don't I just go with him. Well, it's like this. I have worked 9 years in the state of Alabama public school systems. You have to work 10 to be vested and be able to draw your retirement. If I leave now, I will lose all my retirement that I have put in over the last 9 years and we would not have any health insurance. I do not know of an independent insurance company that would pick me up with my condition, nor we would not be able to afford it with him in school.

Lizzie knows Mommy is sick. She prays every night that Mommy will feel better. It breaks my heart that she knows that Mommy is sick and I don't want a 5 year old having to take care of her sick Mommy. What is a gal to do? My parents do live down the road from us, and they will be of great help, but for my sanity, moving in with them is not an option :)

I will have to suck it up and do the best I can do. If I fall, I will have to pick myself back up!!! If I am sick, I will have to call my parents to come and get Lizzie (she will love that). I have got to quit being super woman and take all these people up on their offers to help while Josh is gone. Wish me luck!!!!



  1. Thoughts and prayers girl! I am sorry you have to go through this, but i know from reading your blog you are a very strong lady! yes take advantage of the help around you, thats what they are there for :) Good luck hun.

  2. I have gotten to the point that I don't care! My mom comes to my house to clean every day and my sister helps me out by taking my daughter to dance class during the week because I am so beat after work. I have FINALLY stopped feeling guilty about it. Hang in there!

  3. Great post you have posted and shared you important part of life with us. It really an interesting and encourage able for most of the people.

    assisted living

  4. Really nice post. Assisted living is an important service to the society. Please write about assisted living for mentally ill.
