Wednesday, March 6, 2013

CRASH.........boom, bang

If you have been keeping with this ole blog here, you will know that I went to the doctor recently and she told me that I needed to cut back on my artificial sugar and aspartame. Well, I have done, just that. I have cut back from 4 or 5 Diet Mountain Dews a day to one and a half. Talk about SHOCKER!!!!!!

I could not for the life of me figure out why everyday when I get home from work, I would just CRASH, I mean knocked completely out, until about 8:00 p.m. I mean, I haven't done that since I was first diagnosed in "04.  Then, it hit me...I am coming off of artificial sugar. So, what does everybody do when they don't know what it going on, I googled it!!!! Sure enough, that was it and I was going about coming off of it all wrong. Instead of cutting back from 4 a day to 1 a day, I should be cutting back to 3 a day for a week, 2 a day the next week, and so on and so forth!!! Boy, am I glad I found that out!!! Maybe I will be able to enjoy my family tonight instead of sleeping!!!

Wishing you a pain free and happy Wednesday!!!


(Disclaimer: Sorry it's so dark. My overhead light is out in my bedroom :))

Sweater: Boutique in Auburn
Belt: Target
Pants: Kohls
Boots: Belk
Necklace: Can't remember

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