Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finish the sentence LINK UP!!!!!!!!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE linkups!!!!!! Especially Holly and Jake's. Have fun, linkup, and enjoy!!!


1. If calories didn't count, I would eat...  5 giant fudge rounds after every meal and some in between
2. On my Prom night.... which one?? I went to 4. None of which were very exciting. Prom is over rated!!
3. When I go to the store, I always buy... A big pack of Fudge rounds
4. Family functions typically...end up in my Dad and cousin wrestling in the floor, everyone making fun and shaking their head at my granddaddy, and my dad and his brother fighting. The women just sit there like, is it time to go yet?
5. I think my blog readers...blog readers??? What's that and do I have any...lol
6. I'd much rather be.....On a WARM beach somewhere with my toes in the sand and a cold Diet Mtn. Dew in my hand looking at the people on the beach and saying to my friends and husband..what were they thinking, how much older do you think he is than her, do you think she has had a boob job, etc??
7. I have an obsession with....online shopping, anything chevron, and sleeping (I have lupus. I come by the sleeping things honestly. Give me a break people)
8. My work friends....love to read hard core romance fiction...I mean after 50 Shades of Gray, there was no turning back for them..heck, I can't let them take the flack all alone...they have shared a few with me. They even let the preacher's wife borrow 50 Shades....
9. When I created my Facebook account....I thought I would never like it...Myspace was much better
10. My least favorite word is...vagina...oh I can't believe I even said it!!!
11. I really don't remember....what life without lupus is like, but I have learned to love life with it!!!!
12. Justin Bieber....causes my fever, but he needs to lay off the drugs....Hugs not drugs Bieber!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. who didn't love myspace?? it allowed for music and cool backgrounds..haha! thanks for linking up with us!
